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(@Sunburn Kid)
Posts: 1

This was posted to the Trip Advisor STJ travel forum today. I'll bet the ranch that the post will be gone by the time you try to read it.

Over the past couple of days I have been following the story of the young tourist who was stabbed to death 150 feet from the police station in Cruz Bay. The mother of the murder victim posted an impassioned plea for help in bringing the murderers to justice. Other family members wrote with specifics of the case, and it became clearer that there was police incompetence involved. Today, I watched as the Trip Advisor administrators deleted every trace of those postings. One had grown to six pages. Two more were started and quickly deleted. Then someone brought the thread about the tourist who was beaten with a shovel - 150 feet from the police station, last year - to the top of the queue, and it too, was deleted. That thread was over a year old.

I have never posted on this forum before, but this has outraged me. Trip Advisor's slogan is "get the truth. then go". Where is the truth in the case of this crime? What is Trip Advisor's liability if somebody gets half the truth from rip Advisor, then goes, then gets killed?

I am certain that this thread will be quickly deleted too. I am sure that it is Trip Advisor's best interest to delete all these scary (but real) crime reports, to keep the board upbeat and keep the tourists using Trip Advisor. For me, I will just keep on NOT using Trip Advisor. There are some other forums out there that allow the truth.

I encourage all who might read this before it is deleted, to copy it and re-post it here or on the other boards or send it to your local newspaper. They love local color! Enough is enough. Let's have the truth for a change. Let's give all the readers credit for having enough sense to make an informed decision about where they vacation.

Go ahead, Trip Advisor - make my day.

Posted : July 30, 2007 6:39 pm
Posts: 1

One white boy is murdered in the Virgin Islands and everyone is up in arms and outraged. Yes I am sorry for the family, but what about the countless amount of young black males who are murdered everyday in American cities. I don't see anyone of you calling for the FBI to investigate these senseless killings and to take over the local PD is those cities.So hypocritical of all of you. It is very clear how you all value white life over black life .

Posted : August 3, 2007 5:58 pm
Posts: 1

Oh now it's a race issue? You have got to be kidding me. See a therapist.

Posted : August 3, 2007 6:41 pm
Posts: 1

Hi Levin,

Just wanted to welcome you to the forum. You made a pretty grand entrance.

It's a hot day here and I'm irritable or I wouldn't have taken the bait.

Posted : August 3, 2007 7:00 pm
Posts: 630
Honorable Member

Is this Al S. of NYC? You know who I mean. You are so sneaky using a name like Levin almost put me off. Good try but I know who you are. See you at the next Tawana Brawley meeting.

Posted : August 3, 2007 8:13 pm
Posts: 1

Yes I guess the truth does hurt . I call a spade a spade. If it was a black youth under these same circumstances you all would not be on here. whether he was from the Virgin Islands or the states. It would have just been another black life down the drain.

Posted : August 3, 2007 8:20 pm
Posts: 1

Levin, You are ignorant and incorrect. How can you possibly know what a dozen people who you have never met would do if the race of a murder victim was different. Find your attention elsewhere.

I really wish you could block posts from certain users on this forum.

Posted : August 3, 2007 8:52 pm
Posts: 291
Reputable Member

is this a race forum now? Okay, if so who's standing up for the hispanic group now? Come one, can this forum end now. The point, very important, has been made.

Posted : August 3, 2007 9:05 pm
Posts: 1

Levin is a form of troll and he's having a great time now that he's sucked some people into his game. i posted this link just recently:

It's the DSM-IV of internet pathological personality disorders and Levin's certainly in there. . If nobody plays with him, he'll go away.

Posted : August 3, 2007 9:43 pm
Posts: 396
Reputable Member

Is that the guy with the purple mustache, and polka-dot clown shoes??

Posted : August 4, 2007 12:56 am
(@Dear Levin)
Posts: 1

You are seldom see calls for the FBI to investigate the murder of black youths in American cities. Why? Because 98% of the time, the youth was killed by a neighborhood crack head or a guy from a rival drug gang. The police know it and the neighbors know it. Unfortunately, the neighbors get lockjaw when it comes time to tell what they know. Also, a very recent study indicated that the vast majority of murder victims in the inner-city have a criminal past. So two points to leave you with. If the neighbors and witnesses of a murder victim can't find the time to step up, why would a stranger do it? Second, career criminals who get killed get neither my sympathy nor my support in finding their killer. They play the game, they deal with odds and the consequences. Sorry if the "truth hurts" my friend.

Posted : August 4, 2007 8:18 am
Posts: 1

Levin has no ground to stand upon; he is trolling, and I know this because we have had many discussions here about the murder rate in the USVI in that included black people being murdered.

Posted : August 4, 2007 10:15 am
Posts: 291
Reputable Member

Rumor has it there has been an arrest. Any truth to this?

Posted : August 4, 2007 10:36 am
Posts: 1134
Noble Member

Hope so. This from another BB.

"Arrest made last night at 9:30 pm"


Posted : August 4, 2007 10:42 am
Posts: 1036
Noble Member

Don't know for sure but reports are saying an arrest was made last night at 9:30pm - will fill you in if I hear for sure


Posted : August 4, 2007 11:04 am
Posts: 1

Dear Noone

Don't tell me that I have to grounds to stand on when it comes to this situation. I have never seen a tread that has been so passionate about this topic before. Yeah murder may be mention but not to this extent. A black government worker was recently murdered in St Peterborg area. I don't see anyone writing about his murder here or calling for justice or calling for the the FBI to investigate the case. As I said the truth does hurt . You all can say whatever you all like about me. As far as I know, this is still the United States and I have a right to freedom of speech even if you all don't agreed with it. I call a spade a spade. I will never go away as long as you all keep on posting your hypocritical point of views.

Posted : August 4, 2007 12:21 pm
Posts: 396
Reputable Member

Levin dear,
The black government workers death was reported here, and yes we all know that their were cops and helicopters all
over the place looking for those responsible, including outside help.

When you try to suck all the air out of a room remember this, just gives you gas.

Posted : August 4, 2007 12:39 pm
Posts: 1


I am not trying to suck the air out of anything I am just stating facts calling a spade a spade. No to long ago two friends visiting from NY where murdered in St Thomas while visiting for a wedding. I didn't see any forum on here that was so passionate about the murders and anyone calling for the FBI to investigate the case. Is it because these guys were black? you tell me.

Posted : August 4, 2007 1:09 pm
Posts: 396
Reputable Member


Did you post on this forum about this incident when it happened, to ask us what we thought? Or had you
even really cared enough to bring it to anyone's attention??
Do you know if the the guilty person(s) were apprehended??
Instead of starting in attack mode, wouldn't it have been wiser to even ask if we had an update
on this terrible crime of those two friends on STT first??
Of course we care about what happens in the place we love to visit. I would love to know about this myself,..
calm down enough to start a civil dialogue, here. It works much better that way.

Posted : August 4, 2007 1:25 pm
Posts: 3
New Member

How are you better in word or deed then those you criticize on this sight?

Posted : August 4, 2007 1:35 pm
Posts: 3316
Famed Member

I don't believe Levin is a troll and I both understand where he's coming from and empathize because many of his words are borne of a hard truth. That said, DreamConch says, "Did you post on this forum about this incident when it happened, to ask us what we thought? Or had you even really cared enough to bring it to anyone's attention?? "

Why would Levin post on this forum which is a VACATION FORUM? I'm very well aware of the case about which Levin is speaking and if any of the posters here were really that interested in crimes committed in the Virgin Islands, all that information is readily available through the local media. In the case about which he (sorry if you're female, Levin, just using "she" for ease!) speaks, our local media covered it extensively and the family and friends of these two young men were most outspoken.. They probably were really not much interested in visitors' opinions - and with all the hearsay and sometimes sheer nastiness bouncing around on this unruly thread they were quite right.

However horrible these crimes are, whether they be against visitors or locals, the bottom line (as in "Truth in Forums") is that the incidents of violent crimes against visitors are very few and very far between. Although Bluwater felt that the number of "five since 2000," I think it was, was vastly underrated, I believe that's correct.

Posted : August 4, 2007 2:18 pm
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