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Coming to STT for the month of March

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Coming to STT for the month of March

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My husband and I are coming to St. Thomas March 4th to April 5th. We have never been there before so any insight would be greatly appriciated.

Posted : January 14, 2011 8:42 am
Posts: 660
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can you be more specific on what you would like to know?


Posted : January 14, 2011 3:36 pm
Posts: 53
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Insight from another newbie coming to STT for first time:
2.Look above--See St Thomas (put your mouse over it) and lots of items pop up--pick one
3. When you get more specific, the people on this board and tripadvisor forums are truly wonderful in answering
any specific questions you have.

BUT you have to do some homework so you know what to ask. I'm not trying to be rude or mean or condescending, just offering
suggestions on how to better navigate this forum and others so you will love your visit to this paradise more.

BTW, we will be there march 1-10, so maybe we'll run into you and we can share ideas.


Posted : January 15, 2011 10:36 am
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I guess I'm a little anxious about the social aspect of being away from family and friends for a month. Are there clubs ie counttry clubs or wine tasting for example.

I have binder full of information however it helps me just as much to get a personal view of what to say, what not say and so fourth. I am probably over analyzing, just want to have a great time and not make a fool of myself or husband for that matter.

Posted : January 17, 2011 8:31 am
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Would love to meet up while you are there.


Posted : January 17, 2011 8:32 am
Posts: 53
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kriskove wrote:

Would love to meet up while you are there.


I sent you a Personal message.

Posted : January 17, 2011 4:54 pm
Posts: 872
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Well, one thing I can tell you for sure is that very few activities are announced that far ahead. There are wine tasting from time to time, but I haven't seen any advertised lately. The STT Chamber After Hours are usually pretty good, but none scheduled. There are art gallery receptions, but they were last week, and don't see others advertised. Right now the focus is on Valentine activities, so I'm sure something will be going on in March. We just don't know about it yet.

Posted : January 18, 2011 5:50 pm
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ms411 thanks for info. I guess at this point I will just play it by ear. We will be there for St. Patricks Day, are there any parades or celebrations?

Thanks again

Posted : January 19, 2011 9:01 am
Posts: 165
Reputable Member

Hi, we also are going to be there for a month staying in Bldg C, we are baby boomers and I guess I would need your age range before making suggestions. You are going to really like it there, and Sapphire is the perfect location for a 1st visit ! We have been many times but this is our longest stay, we plan things that we think we want to do until we get there and the magic of the islands takes over, no deadlines relaxes us right away, its just so hard to leave the pool or beach,or a good book and do we really want to get cleaned up to go somewhere?!!

It would be fun to meet up somewhere with other March visitors, let me know and I can make a few suggestions. As far as leaving your home for any length of time, you will get over that!! 🙂 my husband is a funeral director and the stress level is very high right now , a grieving family is not aware that it may be after 5 or a Holiday, so, will we miss night calls , freezing at a cemetery , holding a dinner or leaving a restaurant with a to- go- box ? NO!!! My husband, aka Digger, and I have a great sense of humor and many stories to tell so we always have fun when away from our business, very important in this business! And I told our son that cell phone signals are bad & he might not be able to reach us!! He is in charge when we go away.

Hmm, glass 3 of Merlot so better call it a night.....BTW, he did visit one of the local funeral homes, I told him to look for a job!

Posted : January 21, 2011 9:03 pm
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Would love to get together sometime during our stay. I just can't wait, I am sick of shoveling snow!!

Posted : January 23, 2011 6:42 am
Posts: 872
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Oh! There's the annual Blues Festival on St John. March 16 to 20. Check

Posted : January 26, 2011 12:26 pm
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That festival is in my calendar and definately plan to go, not sure how we going to get there yet but we will figure that out I guess.

Posted : January 28, 2011 3:43 pm
Posts: 37
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There is a St. Patrick Day parade on St. Croix but not STT, at least that I am aware of. Big party at Molly Molones in Red Hook.

Posted : January 30, 2011 9:22 am
Posts: 4
New Member

My wife and I will be at Sapphire for the first week of March. It will be our 4th time in STT. We have Verizon and found the phone reception for both voice and internet very good. With Verizon, we needed to change to an international data plan for unlimited data which cost extra, but since we changed back to national service on our return, the cost was minimal. Wireless service is costly, so if you can keep in touch with email, or blackberry messenger or Skype, you can save a few bucks. I can't remember a single phone outage, but we had a few short power outages.
Sapphire is beautiful. The views of St. Johns and BVI are a joy. There is a constant trade breeze. The water is clear. The snorkeling to the left and right of the beach is pretty good. There was a dive shop that sold or rented equipment.
Don't miss the sunrise over St. Johns. Enjoy!

Posted : January 30, 2011 8:03 pm
Posts: 2
New Member

Coral World is fun with a lot of activities.
We tried snuba then, which was a great prelude to scuba.
I thought we descended too fast for my ears in the Sea Trek.

Coki Beach.
Coki Beach is right next door to Coral World.
Go to Coral World, then spend the rest of the day snorkeling at Coki.
Georgeous water with concession stands.
Be sure to try Gordon's Smoothies at the far end of the beach. He uses fresh fruit. My fav is the virgin Island Girl.
Bring dog bisquits to feed the fish while snorkeling.

New Horizons Full Day Snorkel Adventure
Music was pretty loud all day. Ok for younger crowd, but don't expect to hear the waves lapping against the hull.
Snorkeling not so great. A big barracuda parks himself by the boat.

New Horizons II trip to British Virgin Islands.
A lot nicer than New Horizons Full Day Snorkel.
Need passport.
Went to at least the Baths at Virgin Borda, Soggy Dollar Bar at Jost Van Dyke.
Stay with the group; we got lost for a while.
Snorkeling only ok - a lot of dead reefs dead, but trip fun.

The Pirates Chest in Paradise Point - 340.774.5279
Sean is an avid underwater treasure hunter and has a lot of authentic coins salvaged from Spanish treasure ships, as well as other pirate merchandise. Best shop of its kind on the island.
Just go up the tram in Paradise Point, and store is on top of hill.

Iggie's Karoake Bar
Fun to see once.

Take the ferry to St. John.
Lots of tourist shops.
Best place we ate at was The Spy Glass (grilled salmon with mango vinegarette over greens and carmelized cashews).

Megan's Bay
A must to see on the island. Georgeous. Snorkeling.
Souveniere shop is very overpriced.
Mediocre food at snack shop, but pizza is like New York thin sliced (excellent).

Order some Cactus Juice sunscreen online before you go, or pick up Avon Skin So Soft. Helps keep from being bitten by the no-seeum's.
I used Cactus Juice and hardly had any bites (2-3).
My niece didn't and was bit up pretty badly.

Island slot machines do not pay out. Don't waste your money.

Take cash everywhere as Taxi's are expensive. About $20 each way wherever you go.

Posted : February 1, 2011 8:24 pm
Posts: 3316
Famed Member

Yvonne wrote: Bring dog bisquits to feed the fish while snorkeling.

Please don't! Numerous reports by experts in the field from all over the world have attested to the fact that it's ecologically unsound and very bad (often lethal) for the fish.

Posted : February 1, 2011 11:02 pm
Posts: 872
Prominent Member

The Environmental Association of St Thomas (EAST) will have their last whale watching outing for the year on Sun, Mar 6. These are very poplar with locals. You can call 340-774-1837 or 777-7190.

Posted : February 6, 2011 9:23 am
Posts: 5
Active Member

Spend a day shopping in STJ, then go back again and go to the beaches! We love, love, love Jumbie, Cinnamin, and Waterlemon. There are really beautiful hikes there, too. Check out the National Park just a short walk to the left of the ferry dock. I like The Beach Bar for lunch and again for sunset. So many delicious dishes, I can't even narrow it down for you.

Posted : February 11, 2011 2:56 pm
Posts: 563
Honorable Member

when you get here pick up the (free) island trader which comes with each thursday's virgin islands daily news. it's distributed in lots of local restaurants and grocery stores where papers are sold.

extra copies are pretty easy to come by. also seek out the st. thomas / st. john this week.

with the exception annual happenings or series, activities are usually promoted by ads or public service / community calendar announcements in the local paper within 7-14 days of the actual event.

you may also subscribe to the st. thomas source, for updates by email, since they also note new community events and movies now playing in this online-only publication. it's called sourcedirect:

have fun!!!

Posted : February 12, 2011 4:57 am
Posts: 154
Estimable Member

Just head over to Molly Malones Pub and restaurant in Red Hook....we'll all pretty much be entertainment and FUN !!

Posted : February 13, 2011 12:17 pm

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