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Kenny Chesney

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Kenny Chesney

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(@Kathleen B)
Posts: 1

Okay, I'll say in advance that I'm embarrased to post this but what the heck, i'm among friends!!!

I'm a Kenny Chesney fan and saw him in concert recently and while I was looking at some recent pictures that were posted on this sight the song about the "Old Blue Chair" of his came on my ITunes and so I'm wondering... have any of you ever seen him while vacationing there or know any interesting tid bits of his living there? Just random thinking on my part, but I do love how he describes the feeling of being on St. John in that song and mentions Cinnamon Bay and it added so much to looking at the pictures! I think at least one of his albums was written in great part while he was there. Anyone know anything that will fuel my interest?

Posted : August 31, 2006 4:29 pm
Posts: 1634
Noble Member

The last time anybody asked about actually trying to find him was back on August 23rd. I don't understand why some people are getting a little crazy or nasty.

Like Weary says...if you don't like the thread. Don't read it. Simple. I pass over quite a few threads too.

You're blood pressure will also lower a bit too :o)

Posted : September 18, 2007 12:56 pm
Posts: 234
Estimable Member

I find it all very entertaining, and get a good chuckle out of it. And much like someone told me the solution to figuring out if my cell phone would work for free was to leave it at home, I felt the urge to offer the friendly advice of "don't spend thousands of dollars and a week in paradise stalking someone," mostly because NO ONE is worth that. Maybe one person wondering about Kenny's whereabouts will take that to heart and spend more time snorkeling and less time stalking.

I suspect we'll get more folks looking for him soon enough because most have figured out that his post-tour beach bash got postponed with his new album.

Posted : September 18, 2007 1:27 pm
Posts: 1

Thanks for the link. I thought I had seen all his recent interviews...Now maybe I have. Great! I was at the concert in Atlanta when the lady in RED came on stage...We all wondered who she was???...Now We know.
Thanks. Great interview.

Posted : September 19, 2007 8:01 pm
Posts: 132
Estimable Member


You crack me up! "unless you've never seen a miniature man before" I about fell out of my chair laughing. It is funny reading this thread and others like it. People really do go gaga over a celebrity and they have no idea how stupid or funny they look doing it. As far as the points thing. A few pages back, I tried to get the Kenny fans to give me points for me knowing someone who knows Kenny well as I am only two degrees away from celebrity, but I guess since I have not ever chased him down and met him, I didn't get the kudos or points. Sigh. So sad for me. I have pictures of his house which I am gaga over. He really has a great view and property, but again no one will give me any points.


I was trying to figure out why you posted on a thread to say that if you don't like a thread you don't have to post on it, since that seemed to be somewhat of a paradox statement, but then I realized, like me, you are a fan of the fans. 🙂


I didn't perceive anyone as getting "crazy or nasty", but than again, I too like to post to just point out obvious or oblivious points. I have to say to you that it is soooooo hard to take you seriously on anything with your tag line at the end of your posts. For example, when you posted your condolences for the loss of someone's life followed by - "I want to wear flip flops for the rest of my life!" - it just didn't seem to fit nor make your statement in any way sincere. Just my humble opinion.


Posted : September 20, 2007 10:50 am
Posts: 234
Estimable Member


Seriously, he's one of the tiniest men that I've ever seen. And I grew up at horse tracks around jockeys. You don't realize how little he is on TV or on a stage.

I didn't even get points when he spilled his beer on my favorite pants (I also did not get my dry cleaning bill paid). His fans are a tough crowd.

Like I always say: If you don't laugh about things, your head will explode. I try to see the humor in everything.

(Oh and btw, I think that Connie just has her signature -- which is the flip-flop line -- set to appear on her posts. I just saw it as a signature, not as being irreverant or insensitive.)

Posted : September 20, 2007 11:20 am
Posts: 1634
Noble Member

Since my signature line bothered you Teresa, and some other people in the past. I've dropped it.

Hopefully, I'll be taken more seriously now. Didn't know some people felt that way.

Posted : September 20, 2007 12:45 pm
Posts: 194
Estimable Member

Your signature is you, can't make everybody happy. I'm glad we don't have to show a picture ID to post.That would be a trip. But your choice to drop it if you must!

Posted : September 20, 2007 12:55 pm
Posts: 234
Estimable Member

I liked it, Connie. That's why I tried to clarify to help you out. Seemed like you were getting some grief over it. I thought it was cute. What could be a better sentiment for a travel board for the Caribbean?

Posted : September 20, 2007 1:56 pm
Posts: 132
Estimable Member

I had a friend who always ends his emails with "Have a great eternity". I know what he means by it, but it drives me nuts. Of course it doesn't take much to drive me nuts, I am a cashew short of a can of mixed nuts anyway. Just trying to be funny and as usual stepping on people's feelers.


Don't worry about what people say and just have fun. Change up your tag line every once in a while and add some spice to your life. I was just pointing out that it was kind of funny to see you post something serious to be followed by something flippant. Don't be upset with me - I am just a mom of three kids, a dog, a husband, caretaker to a pile of laundry that never shrinks, CEO of a household that doesn't understand the meaning of calm, work that never ceases to bore me to tears, and even when I did live on island I was wishing I could be at the beach with a drink in hand. Life is crazy, laugh or cry, your choice.


Posted : September 20, 2007 8:07 pm
Posts: 3316
Famed Member

You go, Teresa! AAARGH am I really adding to the KC thread? And you are too? Hey, put me down in the hold of a Frenchie fishboat with a pile of stinky 'cudas as penance.

Lulu, yes indeed he's a little short-arse and he's rather bald. None of that is detrimental to me personally, Although very short men seem to perceive themselves as somehow flawed and develop the commonly known "Napoleonic complex" I've known many men over the years of short stature who decry that label. As I've known many balding males who wear their balding heads very proudly and who don't cover their heads with big hats or bandannas. THESE men make awesome lovers and partners and friends because they're comfortable with what and who they are.

But of course KC's overwhelming talent and the great camera angles continue to do him towering justice. Whatever works for him has brought him millions of dollars and will continue to do so.

I'd boldly venture to guess that if any KC groupie was hanging out in a STJ bar in the hopes of seeing him, they wouldn't notice him if he was sitting right next to them unless a stupid bartender spilled the beans. And if the bar-owner was around and heard the bartender doing anything like that, the bartender would be out the door. Cheers!

Posted : September 21, 2007 12:17 am
Posts: 1

This is so much more entertaining then the smoking thread. Saw KC on the beach once on St. John. He had a conversation with my 10 year old son. They are about the same size. I just pretended not to know who he was and didn't tell a soul.

Posted : September 21, 2007 12:43 am
Posts: 291
Reputable Member

STT Resident on the KC thread??? LOL! 🙂 Welcome aboard Mattie!

Posted : September 21, 2007 6:32 am
Posts: 234
Estimable Member

Well, the day that I saw him, I was at the grocery store in the oh-so-posh suburb of Nashville where I work and KC lives. I saw this man, barely taller than me (and I'm quite vertically challenged), dressed like an aging frat boy walk past me. I was talking to a friend on the phone and I said "This guy walked by me, and he kind of reminded me of Kenny." (I'm notorious for not recognizing celebrities when I see them, I think that's why so many of them like me.) Anyhow, the little man came back with a six-pack of Corona, and I was like "Oh look! It is KC."

But seriously, he was the smallest man that I've ever met who did not have some sort of condition that caused him to be small.

He seems nice if you don't freak out about him, or at least that's been my experience. But yes, I'm sure many, many people see him and have no clue who he is. Or at least hopefully pretend. He might be cool to hang out with and have a beer if you weren't up his hind-end because you perceive his job to be cool. I know most of the country stars I've hung out with have been. If you don't fawn over them, they're more apt to hang out with you. As long as you remember they think they're better than you.

I dated a bald guy that didn't wear a hat, and I'd have to say your take on balding men is 100% correct.

Posted : September 21, 2007 9:59 am
Posts: 519
Honorable Member

You do know that men who are bald in the front are great "thinkers"; Men who are bald in the back are great "lovers"; men who are bald all-over only "think they are great lovers"!!! (spoken by a man getting more like a "thinker" every day!).

Posted : September 21, 2007 11:36 am
Posts: 396
Reputable Member

I think it's great that KC doesn't feel the need to wear a rug.
And, it's just as effective to attack somebody else's kneecaps as it is to punch
them in the face (in case you can't reach).
A good lover??...You can bet he's had lots of practice!!

Posted : September 21, 2007 1:16 pm
Posts: 290
Reputable Member

STT Resident,
After I said nice things about your restaurant in the smoking thread you go and add to this one. ARRRGGG. I'm disappointed.

Posted : September 21, 2007 1:25 pm
Posts: 396
Reputable Member

Those that live in glass houses, shouldn't throw rocks. Hee hee. You're still readin', and so is JANE!!

Posted : September 21, 2007 1:34 pm
(@KC's ex)
Posts: 1

Dream, keep dreaming ... remember he did have one annulment so far for "fraud" hummmmmmmmmmmmm ....

Posted : September 21, 2007 5:52 pm
Posts: 396
Reputable Member

Is that you????

Posted : September 21, 2007 5:53 pm
Posts: 291
Reputable Member

Okay, Dream...who is Jane?

Posted : September 21, 2007 5:55 pm
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