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OK I bought that 10' by 10' canvas for my baresite but what do I do with it??

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OK I bought that 10' by 10' canvas for my baresite but what do I do with it??

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Well you can tell I'm a newbee to 'baresite' camping! I went out and bought a ten by ten foot canvas.I read it keeps your tent protected from getting wet.Now do I put it on the ground before I set up my tent? Put it on the floor of the tent after I set it up? Or do I get four sticks and use it as a canvas over my tent??
Mmmm.I have no idea.
Thanks for any help.

Posted : July 26, 2007 7:42 am
Posts: 2026
Noble Member

Well, I've camped quite a bit and we string the tarp OVER the tent. We anchor it by tying to to trees around the tent. Of course, we're tacky and use a tarp rather than canvas.

Here's a link that might help you. It talk about setting up your tent tarp and instructs you on how to do it. f" target="_blank"> f"/> &imgrefurl=,GGLG:2005-39,GGLG:en%26sa%3DN

Posted : July 26, 2007 12:44 pm
Posts: 1

bluwater,Oh,duh,It is a tarp.I don't know why I was thinking canvas...again I'm just a newbee.
That's a really useful website.Thanks for the link.They have a lot of good tips when camping.I'm not sure I see myself throwing a rope up over a branch of a tree to hang my tarp from but hey I might give it a try.
(It'll be a miracle if I get through all this in one piece!)

Posted : July 26, 2007 2:17 pm
Posts: 291
Reputable Member

Be sure to dig a trench around your tent. It should be deep enough to hold rain water so that it won't run back up into your tent. A couple of inches or slightly more is fine. Put your tent entrance sloping downhill and take the trench from the entrance of your tent and make a trench down hill aways. This will allow a run-off. Now if the windward side is the way your entranced is facing, the rain will blow into your tent.

I hope you don't have the rain problem and I commend you for this brave feat~ Will there be a trip report?

Posted : July 26, 2007 2:57 pm
Posts: 1

Thanks for the trench suggestion EaglesLanded.That is certainly a good thing to know! Anything that'll help keep the tent dry.I'm not really sure how to tell if my tent is facing the windward side...maybe just stand there and feel which way the wind is blowing and face the tent in the other direction? Or is it something I won't know until it starts raining??
Oh yes I'll definitely come back with a trip report.It should be interesting to say the least!

Posted : July 26, 2007 4:06 pm
Posts: 1

Wind won't be a problem, they're all protected by the trees. Most sites have a clothesline to dry things but there's not much sun so you may want to bring things down to the beach with you and sun-dry them. Many sites have a tarp already in place but you could use yours to hang over the picnic table and store your extras under. I recommend a few heavy duty black plastic bags to store your stuff in as things get damp even if it's not raining at that time of year.

Posted : July 27, 2007 8:01 am
Posts: 2026
Noble Member

I can't wait to read this report. I've often wanted to go down and camp at Cinnamon, on the beach (in a tent - not the cabins). Bringing the gear always seemed like it might be too much hassle. I was also worried about the noseeums on the beach after dusk.

Posted : July 27, 2007 12:10 pm
Posts: 1

Cathy Thanks for the info! Throwing the tarp over the picnic table and storing stuff under it is a great idea!! Wow I love all the helpful hints and suggestions from everyone!Things I would have never thought of...

Bluwater,I can't wait either! Not only to see how lugging all the stuff down in the plane,on a ferry and in a safari truck up to Cinnamon Bay goes! But also getting it all set up,blown up and ready before dark!! Whew.I'm so excited I cannot wait to go! Hey you never know till you try!

Posted : July 27, 2007 4:59 pm
Posts: 133
Estimable Member

If you do decide to put something under the tent, remember to tuck it in around the edges nice 'n neat so nothing sticks out. Otherwise, it'll just catch rainwater and it'll run right under the tent. Definitely trench the tent all the way around, too.

Have fun!!


Posted : July 27, 2007 5:00 pm
Posts: 1

Thanks for the tip about tucking everything in if I place anything under the tent.I was thinking about it so it's good to know.
I'll bring a kids plastic shovel with me to dig the trench.
I like you user name....

Posted : July 27, 2007 8:30 pm
Posts: 18
Eminent Member

Debbie - pick up 2 cheap shower curtain liners. Put one under the tent (edges tucked) to protect against ground moisture being absorbed by the floor of the tent. Throw the second one on top of "bed" clothes (be sure to cover pillow too) to keep humidity from making everything feel damp at bedtime (remove to sleep:-).

Posted : July 31, 2007 11:40 am
Posts: 1

andee,That's a really good tip! I'll put two shower curtain liners on my list of things to pick up this weekend.I should be really well prepared for my first tenting experience by November.That's great though...I'm counting the days.
It'll be interesting to see how I pack all this stuff.Or carry it on board the plane.I'll probably have one backpack (as my carry on) and one suitcase....I hope.
Keep the helpful suggestions coming guys!

Posted : August 1, 2007 5:19 am
(@Chicago Steve)
Posts: 1

A lot of people send their camping gear down in a box via UPS or US mail to avoid schlepping it. Call them first to be sure it's OK. Also, packing some of your stuff in a cooler with wheels and strapping it shut is a good way to carry gear down. Be sure to bring a portable battery operated fan for inside the tent (above all else)! Sites right on the beach can be pretty sandy (as in sand in your tent, food, ears, etc). If you can, walk around to see all the open sites rather than you picking one from the map. Look for free stuff people leave on the bookshelves by the check-in counter, like Coleman fuel or food. Rent a lock box at the office to store your valuables. Remember to start conversations with "Good morning" or "Good afternoon" or Good evening". It's considered rude not to do that. Keep your cooler strapped shut and under your picnic table so the donkeys don't get into it. They can make quite a mess. You won't need many clothes-- bring half of what you think you'll need, or even less. Have fun!

Posted : August 3, 2007 11:28 pm
Posts: 1

ChicagoSteve,Thanks for the tips.I thought about shipping my stuff down but I'm afraid it might end up broken or missing.Neither of which would be a good scenario for my first time tent camping.As for the cooler I'm renting one when I get to the campground.I called and they do have lanterns,ice chests and camping stoves for rent.For a few dollars a day it's worth it not to have to lug that stuff down.
I do have a battery operated fan/night light for my tent.It hooks to the top of the tent.I did read where someone hung up those light sticks all around the camp for some light at night.I think I might try that.Just to keep my campsite lit up a little bit at night.

Posted : August 4, 2007 7:16 am

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