That's not fair! What about us land locked folks who have no access to watercraft?
TomB wrote: Is the Sign Located at the Oldest Synagogue in the Western Hemisphere? Ka-ching!!!! Man, you're good!
Let me throw this in the mix. ]
Sherri, is that out by the Bordeaux beach area?
As mentioned above, Continental has most of it's flights in one terminal. Just let the stewardess know that you have a connecting flight in less than ...
With the price of oil and gas dropping and the way the economy is going, I think we will see lower fares in the next few months. I saw $1.55 for a gal...
I guess I stand corrected.:$) Although tarpon and bonefish are catch and release only as per the regs on the site below. For definitive info, go ...
[quote sherri]Waterguy, Great suggestion on DOUBLE HEADER! BUT, he can't take his boat there as it is not HERE!!!! lol! That's why he was as...
Thanks for the heads-up FI. Too bad the kids have school.:-(
Catch and release only within the national park waters. You can catch a wide variety of fish.... snapper, tarpon, cuda, snook, etc. As mentioned ...
We rent from Budget at the airport on STT and take the van over to STJ. Even with the cost of the ferry factored in, it is much cheaper to rent on STT...
dntw8tup, antenna looking is when the radio operator uses his/her radio to put out a call sign on an open calling frequency to look for someone to res...
Just like you were doing a regular long distance call in the states. Dial 1 then the 10 digit number.
As MS411 said above, taxi costs do add up rather quickly. It's best to rent a vehicle. Bring a Garmin GPS with you to help you find your way around th...
What kind of batteries are they? Similar to a car's? Boat/marine? Motorcycle? Riding lawnmower? There are places there like Autozone that sell b...
[quote mahojim]Patrick- Have fun, we'll be with you in spirit! Smiles- MJ Thanks! I'll crack open a V.I. Pale Ale in honor of you folks on ...
[quote Connie]We've never had a problem. There's usually somebody directing you where to park. We do go early, about 9:00, so that may be a factor. ...
What do you guys do with parking at Coki? Every time we go we have no place to park.:S
We are in NJ and would be interested. But unfortunately we will be in STT for the holidays.*-)(tu) Continetal dropped their prices last Tuesday f...
Lol! They probably banged somebody on the head for cleaning charges then didn't even bother to clean the vehicle. Go figure! Lol! Pricewise, it w...