E-mail Shawn at [email protected], she's got two places at her house available for rent...nice places, fully furnished, nice view, quiet...ca...
You will be allowed to take home 5 cartons per person, duty free...I believe Tobacco Discounters in Port of Sale Mall has a special that is something ...
On STT, behind Big K-Mart, there are always loads of them stacked there...
Some good info can be found here: Timeshare User's Group
New Horizons II will be perfect for you...
You might try New Horizons II or Limnos
New Horizons
Been here over 13 years and have been on New Horizons many, many times, and am always happy that I chose them. I have recommended them to so many peo...
I think you could include it in your 'shopping day' (pick a day with no ships, or the lowest amount of ships, for less foot traffic)....it's more of a...
Keep your eye on the Tropical Update at :50 past the hour on the Weather channel, or monitor Stormpulse each day...basically just watch out for any po...
Oh, and FYI, The Pirate's Chest store is no longer up there...changed location to the Port of Sale Mall, which are the blue buildings at the Havensigh...
And the road up is just across the street from the main entrance to Havensight (the cruise ship dock), right next to the Shipwreck Tavern, which has a...
New Horizons II is a great trip...775-1171
The Riding Clubs are "RC", notMC's...It takes a lot to get the 'MC' moniker... a small thing, but a very important distinction... One RC is call...
I think you may be thinking of Senor Frog just off the cruise ship dock in Old San Juan....but I do believe there is a new Senor Frogs that has just o...
My pool for 8 years, which has no heater whatsoever, had never gone below 82 degrees...located in Wintberg, STT
I would recommend using the Grocery Goddess...you give her a lilst of what you want and it's waiting at your hotel/villa when you get there. Grocery...
I second Double Header! You WILL catch fish! My best half day charter was 37 (yes, you read that right, 37!) Yellowfin Tuna, ranging in size from ab...
I second New Horizons!
Aha! Thanks, again, you're a wealth of info!