Great information, but I was inquiring about regular Taxi service from the Cruz Bay ferry landing late at night. 🙂 Thanks!
The holiday I was thinking of is Three Kings Day. Friday January 6th.
Looks like they have shut down all the bare sites for the foreseeable future. Probably due to construction. The on-line reservation system went ...
You will have more fun with fish using a snorkel rather than a pole!
How many times have I posted this in this forum? : "My advice: Avoid Discount Car Rental on St Thomas unless you like buying new tires for their ...
beach76 wrote: Check out the local bus service. We had rented a car but talked with tourists using the bus and they said it was cheap and good. ...
I saw on some other forum they have been moved to "the creek"? Is that at the park HQ?
I just happened to have the SpiceCam up and all of a sudden there was only one ferry. Then both were gone. I caught a glimpse of them definitely headi...
br /> They are leaving right now!
My advice: Avoid Discount Car Rental on St Thomas unless you like buying new tires for their vehicles. Ask me how I know.
Avoid Discount Car Rental on St Thomas unless you like buying new tires for their vehicles. Ask me how I know.
Thanks! St John is the location, and inquiring mostly about car rental places. After looking today, the dates *some* are closed are Christmas D...
We stay on St. John and will never again rent on St. Thomas. Just not worth the trouble. A taxi will get your family to Red Hook in a fraction of your...
My $0.02: Rent for the week and rent on St. John. I have a trip report pending on the mess we had renting from a place on St. Thomas on our last ...
My daughter called AAA today, and they said we were covered in USVI. So if we did have a problem, I guess we would be reimbursed for the tow bill, or ...
My copy arrived today! Great work! SO relaxing to watch the super clear waves and the wave sounds and music. I put it on continuous play so as t...
I have a book that lists the island as belonging to the V. I. Government. I hope that helps. It used to be a goat farm.
RM wrote: Sweet Plantains in Coral Bay. Enjoy. Where is this place? Directions please. 🙂 That is the only thing I can not find on thei...
Did my girls' pyramid make the final cut?