I sat through most of the trial, and I can say that VIPD did not do a very good job at all. Three people told one officer about the victim being chas...
Thanks guys! This will help a lot!
The Agave Terrace restaurant at Paradise Point used to have it.
My wife and I have stayed at Sugar Mill, Long Bay and Sebastian's. All these stays were a few years ago, so the info may be dated. We liked Sugar Mi...
We are in the process of a major boating shake-up on STT, with DPNR moving all live-aboards and moored boats out of the protected areas. This outflux...
I also have taken people on this trip, and we enjoyed it a lot. Busy day though!
Hey Steve and Ginger! CONGRATULATIONS Steve! Have a great time on your trip. Hopefully we will see you next go-round or after your retirement. ...
Connie - One of my favorite "secret" beaches on STT is Skinny Beach on Water Point. It is pretty well locked off, but the way I get to it is by ...
Hi Guys! Sorry I won't be there to have a beer with you and to go out on Glory B! We are still in Albuquerque, but nearing the end of our stay, ...
You should be able to buy them at any number of places on STJ at the Waterfront, and if you are staying at a resort, they should have them.
IMHO Maho Bay is much prettier since it is on the wet side. More to do there as well. Max
Great job of organizing FI! Unfortunately, Irene and I will be off-island (in the Grenadines) March 4-11, otherwise we'd be there. Have fun all!! ...
Bluewater - I live at Cowpet West, and share the beach with Elysian. It is a well maintained, sandy beach with good swiming and fair snorkeling....
I've found that the locals often treat other locals with the same amount of surliness and disrespect at stores, Innovative, etc., so I accept it as be...
Bonnie's By The Sea at the Elysian has a nice breakfast, but it's not a buffet. Max
You may want to do a search on the site, since this was discussed in detail recently. I have stayed at Crystal Cove in the past, and found it qui...
Happy New Year Susie - The size of the gatherings vary from about 6 to 20, and there are no limits to the ideas for activities, so if you were to...
I'd add Mafolie downtown. Great food, and a beautiful view. Parking is somewhat a pain, but it is worth it. Max
Hi Susie! Irene and I have lived here for 2 years, and are wondering some of the same things. One great get-together forum is/are the VINow gath...
Congo Cay (if that is the right congo), is the cay behind (N of) Lovango toward St. John. I've dived there, but never snorkeled. The water is expose...