The US Virgin Islands Best Guide


Eminent Member
Joined: February 11, 2009 3:40 pm
Topics: 3 / Replies: 31
Re: car rental help on stt to stj, need opinions please

We rented from Amalie Car Rentals - a local family run business. They greet you AT the airport with the vehicle when you arrive. They meet you AT the ...

15 years ago
Re: GPS in USVI?

LOL... RM... The question concerning GPS use was directed towards STT. I threw in the fact that our GPS worked on both islands! (Whether you need it o...

15 years ago
Re: GPS in USVI?

Yes, we were able to see the roads and No, we did not need to download any additional maps. They were already on our Nuvi 650. Because the island is...

15 years ago
Re: GPS in USVI?

We used our Garmin Nuvi 650 last July on STT and STJ and it worked wonderfully. Found the beaches, Iggy's, K-Mart (search for TuTu Plaza) and everythi...

15 years ago
Re: Airfare question

We would LOVE to return to STT this summer - but the airfare is outrageous - and we are flying out of DFW. We too are hoping for some type of airfare ...

15 years ago
Re: car rental

We used Amalie Rentals - family run business with airport curbside assistance. They hand you the keys to your vehicle (newer and nicely kept) before y...

15 years ago
Re: Car Rental Jeep 4 Door?

We recommend Amalie Car Rental also. We were very pleased with the vehicle, service and convenience.

15 years ago
Re: Where is this?

Well crud - my husband said it was St. John - but I "knew" it was from STT!!! A girl has to be wrong at least once in her life 🙂 Thanks to all for ...

16 years ago
Re: Where is this?

I don't know what I'm doing wrong - but if you click the "open image URL" - the pic will come up...

16 years ago
16 years ago
Replies: 9
Views: 3921
Re: STT/STJ Trip report - 7/15 to 7/22/09....finally!

Loved the pictures and report. The islands are so addictive...! 🙂 We can't wait to return. We need more time on them!

16 years ago
Re: Confused Where To Stay

We stayed at the Watergate Villas which shares the beach with Bolongo Bay Resort last month. In our opinion - this beach is pretty much unusable - ve...

16 years ago
Re: 2010 4th of July

I can't give you any info for 2010 - but we flew back on the 4th this year with no problems. A cruise ship was in port, most shops were open, taxi's w...

16 years ago
Re: American Raises Checked Baggage

Well there you go - fly naked and buy your clothes at your destination! I'm going to check right now to see if my snorkel equipment fits in my carry...

16 years ago
Re: Our First Time - a Revisit

What fantastic photos! Love them, love them, love them! Hmmm... if I have a garage sale, severly cut my clothing budget, pack a sack lunch... yup - ...

16 years ago
Re: when heading back home

Got it - drink ALL we can from Kmart while on the island - but buy take home at the airport! 🙂 STT - the recorded messages at the airport does s...

16 years ago
Re: when heading back home

Gerie- Good to know - too bad the airline clerk did not acknowledge that. I had the bottles securely bubble wrapped in it's own box because "I thoug...

16 years ago
Re: when heading back home

STT - please do follow up, because our daughter and her boyfriend had to pay the extra $50 also. If we were taken, I would sure like to know my rights...

16 years ago
Re: when heading back home

STT - you are correct - except... at the STT airport duty-free shop - "their" policy is (as told to us 2 weeks ago) buy 5 bottles of rum or other spir...

16 years ago
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